Tag Archives: HSA Finances

Tonight’s HSA Meeting and Other Reminders

From the SCHSA Board:

Tonight at 7 pm, please join us in the Shamona Creek Library for our annual SCHSA budget approval meeting. We will share our financial goals for the school year and how those tie into the ways we give back to Shamona Creek students, staff and families. If you would like to review the budget prior to our meeting, please contact Board President Kathryn Gute.

This Saturday, your family is invited to join your Shamona Creek friends for some fall fun at Milky Way Farm. You can find all the details by clicking here and we are asking families to RSVP so how many people will be there. We are in need of a few more volunteers and some delicious bake sale items. Please click here to help us out. We appreciate the helping hands, and we are looking forward to a beautiful, warm fall day on Saturday morning.

As always…thank you for your support!

Helping is E-Z: Do you Box Top? Here are 10 good reasons why you should


Shamona Creek earns 10 cents for each specially marked General Mills box top submitted. Simply clip and save the box top square on the package. When you are ready to send in your box tops, check the expiration date, then put them in a clear zip lock bag and drop them in the bin located in the lobby outside of the office. Simple as that!

See the Box Tops for Education product list to help get you started.

The SCHSA, as a non-profit organization, encourages our families to participate in a number of programs offered in the community that give back to our organization.  Here are the others E-Z ways you can help this year:

Please contact Shannon Gallagher or Melissa Bell if you have any questions or if you would like to volunteer with the Rebates and E-Z Money committee.

It’s not easy to ask for a donation … but here goes

The SCHSA is facing a big, big challenge this year, but one that we are enthusiastically ready to tackle. In order to provide the same level of support to the school that we have over the past few years, we have a goal to raise $30,000. Our school community has grown this year, and naturally so will our expenses. That said, we are asking all our families for help.

Based on parent feedback, we are trying a new tactic to funding our Home & School Association commitments. Instead of multiple sales-type fundraisers (cookie dough, Market Day, etc.) like we’ve done in past years, we are asking for a single, voluntary donation from each family to fund the entire school year (student assemblies, field trip transportation, and teacher classroom expenses, etc.)


We have calculated that with a one-time donation from our 453 families ($25 per child or $40 per family or ANY amount you choose), we can cover a majority of our costs and keep the fundraising opportunities focused on FUN-raising events, such as the Family Fun Back-to-School Night on September 30. This different approach will allow our families to enjoy being social in support of the school community, without feeling obligated to buy or sell five or six times throughout the school year.

To make your voluntary contribution, please print the HSA Voluntary Donation 2014 form and return the bottom portion to the school (attn: SCHSA Treasurer) before September 30.

The SCHSA thanks parents in advance for their consideration and generosity. If anyone has questions, please email Lena Elguindi, SCHSA Treasurer, at lelguindi@gmail.com.