Tag Archives: Back to School

Back to School…Back to Reality


We hope our parents of younger students enjoyed Wednesday’s Back-to-School Night. It was great to meet and see so many people. We will see the other half of our families Thursday night. Same time; same place.

Here is a brief reminder of what you need to do to add your family to the online directory, through the MySchoolAnywhere website. [After the school year officially begins, we will publish a link to the Directory page of our website with instructions on how to access the family/class listings.]

Please take a moment to add your child to the online student directory.
CLICK HERE {corrected link}

Please make sure your family information in our online directory is up to date.

  1. In the email that you received from HSA President Kathryn Gute, click on the secure link (which is specific to your family) and review your family’s information.
  2. Make any changes to your contact information.
  3. Verify your child’s current grade and assign him/her to his new classroom teacher (select from the drop down).
  4. Scroll all the way to the bottom to click on SAVE AND CONFIRM to be sure your changes have been saved.

If you did not get an email with a specific link for your family, contact Nancy Repko.

We want to make sure all parents receive all our SCHSA emails so no one misses any important information about upcoming events/activities.

  • In the online Directory, please DO NOT check the box to “exclude” your email address.  If you exclude your email address, you won’t receive any annoucements or communications throughout the year. Email through the online directory is the SCHSA’s primary mode of communication to our families.
  • When visiting our website, please click the “FOLLOW” button (under the search feature in the right column) to get notifications from the SCHSA when new posts are written. We will be using our email lists from the online directory and posts from this website as our primary modes of communication.
  • We also encourage you to join the “Shamona Creek – Parent Community” Facebook group as a way to connect with parents – new and veteran. Many of our communications are posted to this group.

We appreciate your timely cooperation and look forward to a great year.

Questions?  Contact Nancy Repko.

Gentle Reminder for Returning Parents: Update Your School Directory Information

UPDATE: These instructions are for returning parents only. New parents will be given details shortly.

Back-to-School season is upon us and your Shamona Creek Home & School Association (SCHSA) is looking forward to seeing you soon. We are sure everybody is excited to meet their new teachers and your kids have been trying to find out who they know in their class.

To hit the ground running, we are reminding you to take a few minutes to update your information in our online directory before August 31, if you haven’t done so already.

  1. In the email that you received from the SCHSA, click on the secure link (which is specific to your family) and review your family’s information.
  2. Make any changes to your contact information.
  3. Verify your child’s current grade.
  4. Assign him/her to the new classroom teacher (select from the drop down).
  5. Scroll all the way to the bottom to click on SAVE AND CONFIRM to be sure your changes have been saved.

We want to make sure all parents receive all our SCHSA emails so no one misses any important information about upcoming events/activities.

  • In the Directory link, please DO NOT check the box to “exclude” your email address.  If you exclude your email address, you won’t receive any SCHSA annoucements or communications throughout the year. Email through the online directory is the SCHSA’s primary mode of communication to our families.
  • When visiting this website, please click the “FOLLOW” button to get instant notifications from the SCHSA when new posts are shared. We will be using our email lists from the online directory and posts from this website as our main modes of communication.
  • We also encourage you to join the “Shamona Creek – Parent Community” Facebook group as a way to connect with parents and use the insight of  veteran parents to help you throughout the year. Many of our communications are also posted to this group.

We appreciate your timely cooperation and look forward to a great year.

Questions about the Directory, contact Nancy Repko.

30, 29, 28…The Countdown to Day One has Officially Begun

On the last day of this past school year, the idea of a 12-week-long summer seemed daunting. It’s one of the longest summers I can recall as a parent, and I think the same thoughts crossed everybody’s minds…

  • How will I keep the kids happy and occupied all day, every day for 84 days in a row?
  • How many weeks of summer camp and activities can the kids and my budget handle?
  • How can I inspire them to read and practice math every day so they don’t forget everything they learned?

Well, the first eight weeks of summer are behind us, and there are just four weeks left until the first day of school on August 31. Different questions are now surfacing.

  • How do I cram everything from our summer bucket list into the next few weeks/weekends?
  • Do I have enough sunscreen and bug spray to last through summer camp?
  • Where did I put those books and packets they were supposed to read?

It’s hard to believe how fast summer is going. But have no fear, the start of the school year does not mean the end of the fun. The Home & School Association has been getting its plans in order for another great year. This year’s activities will include Shark night on the playground (September), Chick-fil-A Spirit Nights (fall and spring), a new school-wide Fun Run (October), BINGO night (February), Variety Show (March), various assemblies and teacher appreciation events, and the always anticipated Spring Fair (May), plus more.

The dates and details for all these activities will be shared in the upcoming weeks on this website, through emails, with the SC parents Facebook group, and on the SCHSA Google calendar. We encourage you to bookmark and “follow” this website so you never miss a new post.

Finally, with August now upon us, please save these dates for you and your child to return to school, meet their teacher and see their new classroom.

~ August 26 @ 6:15-7:30 pm – Grades: Kindergarten, First and Second
~ August 27 @ 6:15-7:30 pm – Grades: Third, Fourth and Fifth

We look forward to seeing you there! Until then, enjoy the rest of your break. We hope that you and your families fill all your summer moments with laughter, happiness and life-long memories.

RSVP Reminder: Family Fun Back-to-School Night

Just because summer has ended doesn’t mean the party is over. We are continuing the fun right into the fall with a return-to-school reunion. We hope you can join us next Tuesday evening at our first social event of the year. All students and parents are invited and encouraged to attend.

RitasTruckShamona Creek Home & School Association presents the Family Fun Back to School Night as a fun-raiser, friend-raiser and fund-raiser. Participating in the planned activities below is an easy way to support the school and the SCHSA planned projects.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 @ 5:30-7:30 PM : RSVP Online >

There is no cost to attend the event, but an RSVP is requested for planning purposes.

What to expect:

  • Rita’s Water Ice* – $1.25 per water ice
  • Spirit Wear* – Stop by and check out this year’s spirit wear items.  You may also place an order!!
  • Music – Enjoy our DJ, who will be there to play your favorite songs.
  • Stop by the SCHSA table to learn more on how you can volunteer, earn free money for our school and ask questions.

*Proceeds generated will be used for upcoming school initiatives, such as assemblies, teacher appreciation, field trip transportation expenses, etc.


Rain Date is October 2.

Questions?  Contact Kim Lenhart (cakesmadebykim@yahoo.com) or Jennifer Faust (faust31@verizon.net)

Welcome Back Shamona Families and Welcome to our New Families

It was great to see so many familiar faces and meet so many new families during Back to School Night this week. We hope you had a chance to meet some new friends and get excited about the new school year.

Our Shamona Creek Home & School Association (SCHSA) has been busy getting ready for the school year as well…and we look forward to sharing all of this with you.  Everything that the SCHSA offers to our students and families would not be possible without your support, and we are so lucky to have such a supportive group of families.

As we kick off the year, we are asking you to please do the following over the next couple of days:

  1. Stop back often to this new website and click the FOLLOW button on the bottom right corner of your screen, so you don’t miss a thing. Please share this URL with your Shamona Creek neighbors and friends, in case they haven’t heard about it yet.
  2. Add your child to the STUDENT DIRECTORY on the website (there will no longer be a print version, and this information will not be manually entered otherwise). To stay connected, we urge all families to add their contact information.
  3. Visit the GET INVOLVED page and check out all of our involvement opportunities.  There is something for everyone… please let us know how you would like to be involved this year by choosing a few areas that interest you. Again…we are looking forward to an amazing year ahead and we want to thank you, in advance, for your support.

See everyone back bright and early on Monday, August 25! The doors open at 8:30 am and the school day begins at 8:50 am. Dismissal is 15 minutes later than last year; the school day ends at 3:30 pm.