Tag Archives: Art Program

Our School of Sharks are Artists, Athletes and Musicians

In the next two weeks, there are several annual events happening that really showcase the various talents our young students have – art, athletics and music. You are welcome to attend and enjoy these activities.

Art Show – Thursday, May 15 @ 6-8 pm and Friday, May 16 @ 4-6 pm
The art teachers created this fun video invitation featuring artwork by all students. It’s a must-watch video, and hopefully you will be able to spend some time perusing the art this week and go on a guided tour of the Art Club’s new murals.

IMG_3369Field Day – Friday, May 16 (grades 1-5) and Tuesday, May 19 (Kindergarten)
Possibly the most exciting day of the entire school year for the kids, this event is a great opportunity (if you are able to attend) to watch the students having fun with their friends, working together as a team and just enjoying being kids. (Teachers will share details.)

Spring ConcertThursday, May 21
Band, Choir and Orchestra are all thriving at Shamona Creek, and you will be impressed with how much the students have learned and achieved since the beginning of the school year. The younger students are treated to a concert during the day, but there is an evening concert as well. (Details to come.)IMG_9053