Monthly Archives: January 2016

Souper Bowl Friday: It will be M’m! M’m! Good!

soupsA sea of soup-filled crockpots and abundant baskets of breads will surround our faculty and staff on Friday, February 5. To thank Shamona’s teachers and staff member for all that they do for our children, parent volunteers are providing a warm luncheon for them to savor. This will be the second year that the Staff Appreciation Committee members have organized “Souper Bowl Friday.”

They will enjoy such comforting options as minestrone, French onion, black bean, chili, and chicken torilla, plus they will sop up their bowls with a selection of croissants, cornbread and rolls (traditional and gluten-free).

All soups and bread needs are accounted for, but there is still a way to help. Please visit for information.

Soup and bread donations from those who signed up should be brought to school on Friday, February 5 between 8:30 and 10:00 am. Prior to the start of school, the committee will collect it from you in the lobby. After that, they will be setting up in the Staff Lounge. Empty crockpots can be picked up in the lobby at the end of the day.

If you aren’t able to help this time, keep your eye on additional staff appreciation activities planned later in they school year.

Mascot Madness: A Three-peat in Progress

More so than anything else, the district’s annual Mascot Madness competition seems to get Mrs. Welsh fired up. Of course, she’ll tell you she’s amped up about academics and specialty classes, but we all know that she is thrilled by the idea of being the top school in the district … especially edging out those high schools where the student body is larger and sports teams have a greater presence. We are making assumptions naturally, but her competitive spirit shines through when she has Mascot Madness.

Students and staff are competing to become the most active school building throughout all of DASD. This is the third year the district has issued this challenge … Shamona Creek has won the past two years. We are the school to beat!

The key to Shamona’s potential three-peat is diligence. The friendly competition began this past Monday and continues through Friday, February 13. Parents (or students) just need to regularly log in the minutes from all the dates and times physical activity took place during Mascot Madness.


  • All students and staff are eligible.
  • Participate in physical activity or exercise for up to an hour each day. This includes sports games and practices, PE classtime, intramurals, Jump Rope Club, Recess, free-play activities, chores, etc.
  • Visit and use your child’s network ID to log in. Your child should know their login information from school.
  • Enter their daily results. You can log in each day, or you can enter the information for multiple days in one sitting. You can log in last week’s dates if you need to.
  • Do not enter more than one hour of activity per day.

The most physically active building, based on total amount of minutes logged into the system, wins! If the Sharks win again (and why wouldn’t they?), the $500 prize money will be used toward building a GaGa Pit for recess use. What’s a GaGa Pit, you ask? We have no idea, so we Googled it and here’s a photo. GaGa Pit

In addition to the cash prize, the school will retain the coveted Mascot Madness trophy. Legend has it that if you put your ear to the cup of the trophy, you can clearly hear the echo of Mrs. Welsh chanting, “three-peat, three-peat, three-peat.” (Again, we can’t confirm that this legend is true, but we’d like to think it is.)


See you at the Science Fair (judges still needed)

The Science Fair is around the corner and judges are still needed!

For the non-competitive part of the fair, no judging experience is needed. Only a handful of the students are competing to go on to the county science fair, so most of the kids just need someone to listen to their project and give them feedback.

If you do have experience, the 4th and 5th graders who are competing will be showing some phenomenal projects, so please consider helping us get them to the next level.  Our students work very hard every year and we promise you will be super impressed…do not miss this opportunity to speak with them one-on-one about what they’ve learned!

Volunteer to be a judge >

Please email with any questions.

Date: Thursday, January 28, 2016
Time: 6-9 pm
Location: Shamona Creek Multi Purpose Room

Plus, save this date! Even if your child is not participating this year, you are invited to attend the event to see why it is so popular. It’s a terrific way to witness the academic talents of our Shamona Creek students, and to get an idea of what’s involved if your daughter or son wants to join the Science Fair fun in the future.