Monthly Archives: October 2015

Grab your thinking cap; it’s Science Fair sign-up time!


Lots of students participate in the Science Fair.

IMG_3974Do you have a little scientist in your family?  Well, then this is the perfect opportunity for him or her to dig in and experiment! The 2016 Shamona Creek Science Fair is scheduled for January 28, 2016 and all students in any grade are welcome to participate.

Fourth and fifth grade scientists can participate competitively to advance to the Chester County science fair or create an experiment simply to satisfy their thirst for knowledge and discovery. Competition is not mandatory.

Please sign up your child before Friday, November 6 at or email Peter and Sharon Alfinito at

IMG_3975We are looking forward to seeing our Shamona scientists share their discoveries in January.

4 simple steps to put the “FUN” in FUNdraising at our school RUN

There are less than four days to go until the Fun Run, and we are only halfway to our goal. To make this first-ever character-building event impactful on our school community, we need all our families to take these four easy steps.
1. Before Friday, register your child at using the school code 879-585. Many thanks to the 370 out of 596 families who already created their child’s sponsorship page. This represents 62% of our families. Nice!
2. Before Friday, pledge your support for each lap your child runs. There are lots of children (129 out of the 370) who are registered but don’t have any pledges. Please consider being your child’s lead sponsor as he or she runs in support of the school.
3. Before Friday, invite others, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, relatives, neighbors, past parents, SC alumni and friends to make an online pledge for your child in their “run-a-thon” effort. (The website provides sample text and links that can easily be copied and pasted into an email. No door-to-door sales effort suggested or required.)
4. Finally, join the fun on Friday and cheer for all the children as they make a terrific effort to run 30-35 laps around the fun track.
  • October 23 @ 10 am – Grades 3-5 and AM Kindergarten
  • October 23 @ 2 pm – Grades 1-2 and PM Kindergarten
(Park at the Marsh Creek Sixth Grade Center’s parent lot, which is accessible from the entrance closest to our playground, not our bus loop.)
And lastly, if you’ve already completed steps 1, 2 and 3 … thank you! We respectfully ask you to share your enthusiasm for this activity with your Shamona Creek friends and encourage them to do the same, so that the kids can truly put the “FUN” in FUNdraiser!

We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do! Let’s get pepped up for the Fun Run!

The Shamona Creek Shark Fun Run kicks off today, starting with an in-school Pep Rally for students.  This two-week fundraising program focuses on leadership, fitness and character-building themes and then will end with a school-wide, daytime Fun Run event on October 23. Every child will walk, run and skip their way around our Fun Run track completing 30-35 laps of pure fun and teamwork!

If you haven’t already, please set up your child’s personalized account at using the code 879-585. Before the run, we ask you and your child to talk with friends and family about pledging their support.  They can do this online or through your child’s playbook (coming home soon).

After you register your student on (using code 879-585), you can upload a picture. Click here to see a sample video. Share your child’s personalized video when you ask them to support our school. It’s the easiest and best way to ask for a pledge, plus you’ll WOW your friends and family.


  • Grades 3-5 and AM Kindergarten: Friday, October 23 @ 10 am
  • Grades 1-2 and PM Kindergarten: Friday, October 23 @ 2 pm

This brand new event is slated to be the SCHSA’s biggest and best fundraiser ever, assisting its efforts to support your children and the staff here at Shamona Creek.  We’ve asked the run-event experts at Boosterthon to power our Fun Run and make our fundraiser more profitable, easier and more exciting.

By raising funds through this year’s Fun Run, each class has the opportunity to work together and send much-needed shoes to people across the world as part of Boosterthon’s Great Shoe Takeoff! How many pairs will your class send? Click here to learn more.  To learn more about Boosterthon, visit

The SCHSA extends its sincere thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the following corporate sponsors of the Fun Run!

Slide1   MFT stacked LIME   fpalogo

BookScanCenter   Black and Outline on White CMYK   baby merlin 2

ASPlogo  Aligned_logo jpg2

Fall into October with a Month of Activities and Events

hello-octoberAutumn is here, and it feels like it. The days are getting chillier and shorter, but the calendar is still full of fall fun. This month, the SCHSA is planning something new – the Boosterthon Fun Run! You and your children will hear more details in the upcoming weeks.

Here are just a few of the highlights for October; please save these dates. Details are forthcoming!


October 6 @ 7 pm – SCHSA Budget Approval Meeting
October 12 – No School (Columbus Day/In-Service)
October 13 @ 7 pm – Safe Homes Parent Discussion about “Good Stress/Bad Stress” at the Marsh Creek Sixth Grade Center
October 14 – Two-hour early dismissal/Modified Kindergarten schedule (In-Service)
October 14-23 – Boosterthon Fun Run Pep Rally, Activities and culminating Running Event (watch for lots more details to come)
October 27 @ 2:30-6 pm – DASD Flu Clinic at D’town East
October 30 – Fall Festival (stay tuned for event information and costume do’s and don’t’s from Mrs. Welsh)

We look forward to seeing you around the school this month!