Check those backpacks … KidStuff Coupon Books are in there

Sometime over the weekend, be brave and take a quick peek into your child’s bookbag. Buried deep in that backpack … under the snack wrappers, behind the library book and next to that missing sneaker … is this year’s edition of the KidStuff Coupon Book. The valuable, family-friendly KidStuff Coupon Books are once again available through Shamona Creek! KidStuff Coupon Books are only sold through schools, and our school earns at least 50% profit on each book sold!

Use just a few coupons and save more than the $25 cost of the book. You can enjoy fabulous savings from:

KidStuff Book CoverToys R Us
5 Below
Hershey Park
and much more.

Check out all 22 editions listed on the first page of your KidStuff Coupon Book or visit

Remember, your family earns 1 FREE book for every 5 books you sell!!

Parents are encouraged to buy and sell the books as a way to support our students throughout the year. Payment is due by September 12, 2014. (If you don’t plan to buy the book, it will need to be returned to school by that date as well.)

If you have any questions, please email Rachel Byerly.

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